(1) Amendment based on resolutions approved at AGM 2022. Previously approved by the club in General Meeting on 25th May 1995, amended at AGM 1997 and again at AGM 2018. All references in the Rules to masculine (he/him etc) are also references to feminine (she/her etc).
(2.1) The objects of the club are to provide facilities for and to encourage the playing of Squash Rackets and ancillary purposes.
(3.1) The tenancy of the Club premises is vested in the Committee.
(4.1) Apart from the payment of subscription, entrance and other fees as detailed below, no member of the club shall be under any liability whatsoever.
(5.1) Adult (26 or over at the start of the
membership year).
• Young Adult (Under
26 at the start of the membership year).
• Junior (Under 18 at the start of the
membership year).
• Family (Husband,
wife, and any children under the age of 18 at the
start of the membership year).
Ordinary Social Membership (Non-playing member).
• Honorary Membership (In accordance
with rule 7).
• Temporary Playing
Membership (At the discretion of the Committee, on
payment of a fee determined by the Committee).
(6.1) The number of members to be enrolled to each
class of Ordinary membership will be at the
discretion of the Committee, except that the SRA
guidelines for the number of playing members per
court will be broadly followed.
(6.2) Ordinary Playing and Social Members will
be elected by the Committee. Prior to election, a
notice showing the name and address of the
prospective member(s) and the class of membership
being sought will be displayed on the club notice
board for not less than 2 days before the Committee
makes its election.
(6.3) No reason need be given for declining
membership to any person.
(6.4) When an elected person has paid the
entrance fee and first annual subscription, or
proportion thereof (see 12.5) he will be a member of
the club with the rights of the class of membership
to which he has been elected.
(6.5) If an elected person fails to pay his
entrance fee and first annual subscription within
one month from the date when notification of his
election has been posted to him, the Committee may
annul his election.
(6.6) By applying for and accepting
membership, a member is deemed to have agreed to be
bound by these rules.
(7.1) The club, in recognition of services rendered to the club, or in the promotion of the game of Squash, may confer on any person the distinction of Honorary Member of the club, by election at a General Meeting, provided that the number of Honorary Members does not constitute more than 5% of the Ordinary (Playing and Social) membership as at the date of election. Honorary members do not pay annual subscriptions but have the rights of Ordinary Playing membership of the club.
(8.1) Any member wishing to resign from the club may
send in his resignation in writing to the Secretary
before his subscription becomes due in any year.
(8.2) Any member who has not paid his
subscription within one calendar month of the due
date will be deemed automatically to have resigned.
(9.1) Ordinary Playing Members and Honorary Members
("Playing Members") may:
• Have keys to
the clubhouse and to the courts.
• Use
the squash courts subject to rule 17.
Participate in club tournaments.
Represent the Ccub in teams.
• Use the
bar facilities.
• Participate in club
social events.
• Stand for Committee
• Vote at General Meetings.
(9.2) Ordinary Social Members may:
• Use the bar facilities.
Participate in club social events.
Stand for Committee Membership.
• Vote
at General Meetings.
• Use the squash
courts as a guest with a playing member subject to
rule 17.11.
(9.3) Temporary Playing Members may:
Have keys to the clubhouse and to the courts.
• Use the squash courts subject to rule
• Use the bar facilities.
• Participate in club social events.
(9.4) Members may not give or use the address
of the club in any advertisement or for any business
(10.1) Members are responsible for the prompt
payment of any subscriptions and expenses they incur
at the club (including court cancellation fees in
accordance with Rule 17.5).
10.2 Members must notify the Secretary of any
change of address and telephone number.
(11.1) Should the conduct of any member either in or out of the club be, in the opinion of the Committee, detrimental to the reputation, character, good order of welfare of the club, the Committee may expel the member, but before a decision for expulsion is made, the member in question will be entitled to appear before the Committee and make a statement or region. A member expressed under this rule has no claim whatsoever against the club, its officers or any member of the club.
(12.1) All subscriptions, joining fees and other payments by members become the sole property of the club, and the club is solely responsible for the provision of the club facilities and all things necessary for the carrying on of the Club.
(12.2) The rates of subscription and joining fees
will be determined by the club in General Meeting.
(12.3) The club's year for the purposes of
membership runs from 1st July to 30th June.
(12.4) All subscriptions fall due and payable
at the beginning of the club's membership year, or
upon election in accordance with rule 6. Joining
fees may be payable upon a person rejoining after
his membership has lapsed for any period exceeding
one month.
(12.5) For each complete month which has
elapsed between the beginning of the membership year
and the date of a person's election to membership,
his annual subscription for that year will be
reduced by 1/12.
(12.6) In no circumstances will a member be
entitled to any refund of annual subscription or
joining fee.
(13.1) The club's financial year runs from 1st April
to 31st March.
(13.2) The Committee will determine the club's
banking arrangements, the signatories to bank
accounts and the number of signatories required to
sign for specific amounts. Signatories will normally
be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and
Secretary. Members of the Committee who are juniors
may not be account signatories.
(13.3) A copy of the audited accounts will be
displayed on the club notice board for at least 14
days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
(14.1) At least 21 days' notice in writing or e-mail of a General Meeting must be given to each member entitled to vote (or in the case of Family Members to either the husband or the wife). The notice must contain an agenda. Notice will be deemed to have been given if delivered by email to the registered email address provided at membership application.
(14.2) In each year, within 45 days before and 30
days after the end of the membership year, an Annual
General Meeting will be held on a date to be decided
by the Committee.
(14.3) The Committee may call general meetings
from time to time and must do so on demand in
writing signed by at least 25 or 20%, (whichever is
less) of the Members entitled to vote.
(14.4) All Ordinary (Playing and Social) and
Honorary members are entitled to vote at general
meetings and have equal voting rights; no other
person is entitled to vote. Members may only vote in
person. A Chairman who has already voted does not
have an additional casting vote in the event of a
(14.5) The Committee will be elected by an
Annual General Meeting in accordance with Rule 15.
(14.6) The Committee's report and the balance
sheet and accounts will be presented to each Annual
General Meeting. A copy of the audited accounts will
be displayed on the club notice board for at least
14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
(14.7) The Annual General Meeting determines
membership subscriptions and joining fees, and court
fees for the year. These may be varied by general
meeting, except that alteration to membership
subscriptions may not take effect until the expiry
of the current subscription paid by any member.
(14.8) General meetings may decide upon
resolutions which have been duly submitted. Notices
of resolutions for general meetings must be received
by the Secretary at least 10 days before the date of
the meeting and signed by at least one member of the
Club. Notice of any resolutions is to be posted on
the club notice board.
(14.9) A quorum at a general meeting is 12 or
10% (whichever is less) of the members entitled to
(14.10) Club rules may only be varied by two
thirds of the members present and voting at a
general meeting.
(14.11) Minutes from general meetings will be
automatically approved once sent out after 30 days
from being published, unless comments received by
email or in writing.
(15.1) The purpose of the Committee is to manage all
the affairs of the Club not reserved for decision by
a general meeting and to carry out business in
pursuance of the objects of the club. The Committee
has the power to act on behalf of the club in all
matters not reserved for the club in general
meeting, with power to delegate to Sub-Committees to
act similarly on behalf of the club.
(15.2) The Committee is elected at the Annual
General Meeting and consists of the Chairman,
Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer (the
Officers) and not more than 8 other members.
(15.3) Officers and Committee members must be
nominated and seconded by club members eligible to
vote, but not necessarily present at the Annual
General Meeting.
(15.4) All club members except temporary
members will be eligible for election to the
Committee except that; a junior member may not be an
officer and there may not be more than two junior
members of the Committee.
(15.5) Committee members must resign at the
Annual General Meeting but are eligible for
reelection, if proposed and seconded.
(15.6) The Committee may appoint a member or
Members of the club who would be eligible for
election to the Committee to fill any unfilled
position or to replace a member who has left the
Committee for any reason.
(15.7) The Committee must appoint a
Sub-Committee of two or more of its members, who may
not be junior members, to oversee the purchase and
the supply by the club of intoxicating liquor.
(15.8) The Committee may elect any of its
members to form a Sub-Committee or Sub-Committees
for any other purpose or purposes.
(15.9) A quorum at meetings of the Committee
is 4 Committee members including at least one of the
(16.1) The purchase for the club and the supply by
the club of intoxicating liquor will be under the
control of a Sub-Committee appointed in accordance
with rule 15.7. If any Member of the Committee
appointed to the Sub-Committee ceases to be a member
of the Committee he automatically ceases to have
such responsibility and another member of the
Committee must be appointed in his place.
(16.2) No intoxicating liquor may be supplied
for consumption off the premises except to a member
in person.
(16.3) Intoxicating liquor may not be supplied
to a Member or guest except:
• At
premises in respect of which the Club is registered
• At any premises or place which the
club is using on a special occasion for the
accommodation of members and to which persons other
than members and their guests are not permitted
(16.4) At any premises or place where the Club
is serving intoxicating liquor, other than the
premises for which the club is registered, it may be
supplied only for consumption on those premises or
in that place.
(16.5) Except as set out in 16.6 and 16.7,
intoxicating liquor may be sold only to members of
the club, and in accordance with the provisions of
the Licensing Acts from time to time in force. A
list of club members will be kept in the Bar.
(16.6) Any Member may introduce guests to the
bar (but not if such guest is a person whose
application for membership has been declined or who
has been expelled from the club).
The member and guest must sign their names in
the 'Visitors Book' which will be kept in the bar
for that purpose. Members are responsible for their
guests at all times. A guest may not remain on the
club premises after the member introducing him has
(16.7) Intoxicating liquor may be sold to persons
who are not members of the club, for consumption on
the premises and in accordance with the Licensing
Acts from time to time in force, provided that they
are members of a sports club affiliated to the
Biddenden Village Hall Management Committee which
has been specifically approved by the Committee. It
is the responsibility of any sports club affiliated
to the Biddenden Village Hall Management Committee
to which the Committee has agreed to supply liquor,
to supply the Secretary with the names and addresses
of its members who are aged 18 years and over and
these lists will be kept in the bar.
of such clubs may introduce guests in accordance
with rule 16.6.
(16.8) Children under the age of 14 years must
at all times be accompanied by an adult.
(16.9) Hours of opening will be as determined
by the Committee and may not exceed the general
licensing hours in force in the district, but
(subject to any further restriction under the
general licensing hours in force in the district),
so that there is a break of at least 2 hours in the
afternoon, and on Sundays, Christmas Days and Good
Fridays the break must include the hours from 3pm to
5pm and there must not be more than 3 & 1/2 hours
after 5pm. Notice of any alteration to the hours of
opening, whether permanent or temporary, must be
given to the Clerk to the Justices in accordance
with the Licensing Acts in force at the time.
(16.10) No person may:
• Receive,
at the expense of the club, any commission,
percentage or similar payment on or with reference
to purchases of intoxicating liquor by the club, or
directly or indirectly derive any pecuniary benefit
from the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on
behalf of the club to members or guests apart from
any benefit accruing to the club as a whole. This
rule does not prevent the payment of wages to bar
(17.1) The courts will be opened and closed at hours
determined by the Committee. Until otherwise
determined, the courts may be used from 7 am. to 11
pm. Any alteration will be notified on the
(17.2) Access to the courts will be by key
supplied to playing members.
(17.3) Court sessions will be 40 minutes.
Payment will be by meter which will operate the
(17.4) Courts may be booked online through the
booking system or by telephone, if the Bar is open,
from 8 pm, and in person from 8.15pm up to 7 days in
advance. Only one court per telephone call may be
booked in the period from 8.15pm. 7 days in advance.
(17.5) Court bookings may be cancelled without
the court fee becoming payable up to 2 days in
advance or on Friday for a Monday (or for the
Tuesday when Monday is a Bank Holiday). Thereafter,
the court fee becomes payable in the event of
cancellation, unless the court can be re-booked and
put into paid use, or is used when the time comes.
If a booking has not been cancelled with proper
notice and the court is neither re-booked nor used,
the member who booked it is liable for the court
fee. Persistent offenders may be barred from making
further bookings until all cancellation fees have
been paid. This shall be at the discretion of the
Committee. Bar staff are under no obligation to
endeavour to re-book a court cancelled without the
proper notice - any such effort is entirely at their
own discretion.
(17.6) If a member is not present in the club
at the start of the booked time, the court will not
be retained for more than 10 minutes, then any
member waiting may use it.
(17.7) Members must vacate the courts at the
end of the booked time, regardless of whether the
lights paid for have run out or they have: finished
their game, if another member has booked and is
waiting to play. This rule is waived in the case of
special Club Tournament arrangements from time to
time, and in the case of club matches in accordance
with 17.8.
(17.8) If a club match is being played, the
match has the right to finish. If possible, any
waiting members will be allowed to play on later.
(17.9) Court fees will be determined by the club in
General Meeting. Separate rates will apply to: Peak
times - from 6 pm. to 10 pm. Monday to Friday; Off
peak - all other times.
(17.10) Shoes which mark or damage the floors
may not be worn on the courts. Only non-marking
balls may be used.
(17.11) A playing member may introduce a
visitor to play squash, but must enter the visitor's
name in the book kept for the purpose and must pay a
visitor's fee of an amount determined by the
Committee from time to time. No visitor may play
squash on more than 6 occasions in anyone membership
year or more than 3 times in peak time in anyone
membership year. This rule may be waived by the
Committee at its discretion.
(18.1) The rules for play will be the Rules of Play of the Squash Rackets Association of England as they are set from time to time, except insofar as they are modified by any local rules adopted by the club in general meeting or determined by the Committee for particular tournaments.
(19.1) The Committee may from time to time make, vary and revoke Byelaws not inconsistent with these rules for the regulation of the internal affairs of the club and the conduct of members. All Byelaws will be binding on the members until revoked by the Committee or by the club in general meeting.
(20.1) Admission to the club's premises may be refused to any non-member without explanation.
(21.1) All complaints must be made in writing to the Secretary.
(22.1) The club, the Officers, Committee Members and employees of the club or of the Biddenden Village Hall Management Committee, and any person connected with either have no liability to any member, visitor or guest or any other person or corporation for any loss of or damage to any property or for the death of or injury to such person howsoever or wheresoever it occurs.
(23.1) All monies arising from carrying on the club will be used for the purposes of the club.
(24.1) Any dispute that may arise as to the meaning or interpretation of club rules or otherwise will be decided by the Committee whose decision will be final and binding.